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Over The Falls with the HFA Tax Team Thumbnail

Over The Falls with the HFA Tax Team

It's that time of year again. Kevin, Tim, Raechel, Ray, Caleb, and Steve have been hard at work, along with Jamie and Shane, our newest team members. For those of you who haven’t had the honor of meeting Jamie and Shane yet, here’s a little bit about them.

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Cybersecurity Client Event Resources Thumbnail

Cybersecurity Client Event Resources

In December, HFA hosted a guest speaker event for our clients at Locust Hill Country Club. The event featured cybersecurity professionals at Fidelity who discussed the current cyber fraud threat landscape, explained how Fidelity works to protect your accounts, and shared best practices for safeguarding yourself against online threats.

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Encouragement, it's in our DNA. Thumbnail

Encouragement, it's in our DNA.

Ken Burke shares a video of his granddaughter encouraging her sister as she climbs the stairs for the first time. Her simple words of encouragement — 'You're almost there' and 'Keep going' — remind us of the power of support and the importance of being there for one another. At HFA, we embrace this language of encouragement, believing it is in our nature to celebrate each other's successes.

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