Over The Falls – December 2022: Our Gratitude List
As we approach the end of the year, we asked our staff to take a moment to reflect on what they are grateful for. Here is what they said:
Randi: I am grateful for my family, electric cars, and the great season of the Buffalo Bills. Go Bills!!
Dariya: I am grateful for my family, friends and co-workers, my health, and being able to travel.
Jim E: I am grateful for music, the continued success of High Falls Advisors, winters in Florida, and the advanced technology to better serve our clients.
Bob: I am thankful for …
- The example of my parents
- The support of my wife
- The love of my children
- The loyalty of my dogs
- Memories made with my siblings
- Coworkers who are friends
I am also thankful for: the world in which I live and the promise of the future. The opportunity and belief that we can overcome any obstacle. History is made by dreamers not doubters. I am thankful for dreamers, past, present and future.
Raechel: I’m always grateful for my faith and family/friends who support me through good and bad times. In particular this year, I am grateful for my decision to make a change to work for a company where I feel valued, respected, and appreciated. In turn, that gives me the ability to better serve my clients while also maintaining personal time to re-charge.
Carm: Without a doubt I am most grateful for being able to serve as I have been served. Thinking of others in even small ways brings warmth to an otherwise uncertain and confusing time. Due to the countless blessings I have been given to share, by the support of my wife and family, health and well-being, and most of all my faith, my gratitude is filled to overflowing.
John: I am grateful for health and family. I have been blessed with good health, which I never take for granted. I am so fortunate to still have my 98-year-old (soon to be 99) mom alive. Additionally, my daughter and grandson, as well as my mom, are all here in town, so I can visit them frequently. I have a very small family, so it means a lot to have them around.
Kevin: I am grateful for friends and family and for the great people I work with at HFA. I am also grateful for our dog who keeps our house free of critters!
Jen: I am grateful for my health, my family, my co-workers at HFA, and my friends, both new and old. I am grateful to our clients. I am grateful for the abundant opportunities I have been given in my life and for those who have believed in me and encouraged my chosen paths, especially when I was uncertain. I am grateful for hot showers, compliments of strangers, a roof over my head, the feeling when you finish a long run or workout, the sound of crickets on a summer night, the way my dog greets me every time I come home, clean sheets, and a good laugh.
Tim: We, Jo Ann and I, are grateful for the gift of life and all its potential. God has given us 52 years of wedded bliss, two beautiful girls, Amy and Sarah, two beautiful grandchildren, Kaitlyn and Tonio, and a wonderful dog, Jeter, who we lost this year after sixteen and a half years of unconditional love. He filled our home with a love we wish all humans could display and it is our prayer that the message of Christmas touches every human heart in the hope of PEACE ON EARTH and GOODWILL TOWARD EVERYONE. Take the time this Christmas to pray for someone who is homeless, sick, alone, or perhaps out of work and in need of employment. You do not have to turn your head too far to see that others are in need. FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE! THE GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE! Share it with those who are less fortunate.
Ken: I’m grateful for so many things in my life, here is a short list:
- I’m grateful for our country and for the men and women who have served us
- I’m grateful for my parents, siblings and immediate family. My Mom and Dad set an amazing example for my brothers, sisters and I
- I’m grateful for our clients and the trust they place in us
- I’m grateful for my colleagues at HFA who continually raise the bar professionally and personally
- I’m grateful for life struggles, big and small, because without them there would be no growth
- I’m grateful for The Project leadership program, the Project Instructors and my fellow graduates
Kosal: I'm grateful for my family and friends, for my colleagues at High Falls and especially for the new addition to my family, Christopher.
Rob: I am grateful for my health, my family and my friends.
Deb K.: I am grateful for so many things, little everyday things that so many may not even notice or get to experience. These are some things I am grateful for:
- Laughter
- Knowledge
- Being able to participate
- Hearing the hoot of an owl in the dead of the night
- Seeing the frogs that take up residence in my little pond in the summer, sitting so still on the branches thinking they are camouflaged among the water hyacinth
- Watching my dogs as they catch a good scent on the wind and study it with their wiggling noses and twitching ears
- Smelling freshly baked snickerdoodles
- Tasting loaded nachos
- Time to be able to just sit and wonder and dream
- I’m grateful for the colorful palette that is life