Encouragement, it's in our DNA.
Written by: Ken Burke, CPA/PFS
Be an encouragement to others.
“Encouragement is the act of providing someone with the strength to look ahead, move forward and reach for the next goal.” — psychologytoday.com
Maddy's words of encouragement are so simple and beautiful:
- "You're almost there."
- “Your big sis got ya.”
- "I'll help you up."
- "You got it."
- "I got ya."
- "Now keep going, keep going."
We all need encouragement. At HFA, we believe in the language of encouragement and freely give and receive it. In translating Maddy's words into HFA speak, it might sound like this:
- "You're close to your goal."
- "You have the support of our entire team."
- "How can we help?"
- "You can do this."
- "We are with you."
- "Now keep going, keep going."
Yes, I am using this article to brag about my wonderful granddaughter. Can you blame me? But I'm also sharing this moment because Maddy demonstrated essential life skills that are valuable at any age:
- Be a leader. Sometimes, we lead from behind, and sometimes, we lead from the front. It doesn't matter how we help someone, just that we do whatever it takes.
- Be of service to others. Three simple words: "I'll help you" can motivate someone tremendously. We are not alone in our pursuits. It is in our nature, our DNA, to help, encourage, stand with others, and celebrate their success.
- Never stop and never quit. The top of the stairs is not McKenna's final goal, I'm sure of that. I imagine McKenna said to herself "that was easy, what's next?"
- Remove obstacles for others. If you noticed, at the end of the video, McKenna moved towards a decoration, and Maddy moved it out of her way, making the journey safer and quicker for her sister.
I hope you enjoyed this little video as much as I did. I also hope you'll think big about your life and financial goals and share them with us. We will provide you with advice and encouragement and do what we can to remove obstacles along your way. Most importantly, we will celebrate your successes, ask you "what's next?" and encourage you to "keep going, keep going."