Clarity. Confidence. Purpose.
By George D. Marron, JD, CFP®
It’s hard to believe, but we are six weeks into 2022. The Rams and the Bengals are about to square off in ‘The Big Game,’ we’ve actually gained an hour of daylight since December 21 (I am an optimist), and the tell-tale Valentines are everywhere.
Yes, it is mid-February. How are your New Year’s resolutions holding up? Did you get your finances in order? Are you sticking to that budget? Did you rebalance your portfolios? It’s hard. We get it. It’s what we do.
From our perspective, the key to meeting your goals and succeeding in your financial resolutions is to develop clarity, confidence and purpose. Investment management and financial planning are not a simple ‘set it and forget it’ math problem. Life always intervenes in the best laid plans.
Rather, investment management and financial planning are an ongoing process of refining needs and goals — seeking clarity, understanding how you will achieve your goals — developing confidence, and then acting in accordance with your plan — living with purpose.
Admittedly, we do not have all the answers, but we do have the process to help you act with clarity, confidence and purpose to meet your financial resolutions.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. (often attributed to Aristotle)
We repeatedly execute on our process. Our process is based on three pillars: investment management, tax management, and financial planning and advisory services.
Each year we seek to understand and establish your long-term goals. We then determine the one-year steps and financial planning strategies needed to meet those goals. Your investments are managed to meet your current needs, for tax efficiency and with your long-term goals in mind.
Our process seeks to generate clarity, confidence and purpose.
If you have any concern about your current planning process or financial resolutions, let’s talk.