A View From The Falls: Health And Wealth
At High Falls, we encourage our staff to take care of themselves in and out of the office, which helps us do a better job for you. Similarly, we hope that you are finding the time to take care of your personal health and well-being. As the old saying goes, your health is your wealth!
This summer, we encouraged our staff to select a healthy habit they wanted to incorporate into their lives and challenge themselves to do it every day for 45 days. The idea behind a 45-day (or more typically a 30-day) challenge is that setting a time limit makes a challenge more manageable and less intimidating. Of course, as with most things in life, the activity becomes easier as you do it every day, and you may find yourself building a forever habit. Participating in such challenges can build discipline, improve confidence, and help achieve dreams and goals.
We had three staff members who performed their challenge each of the 45 days—Dariya Tes, Rob Granish, and Kosal Gelser. We also had two runners up who missed only one day out of the 45—Rachael Taddei and Jim Englert. The challenges included running a mile, taking the stairs, walking, exercising 30 minutes per day, and pushups. Challenges did not have to be only physical, as some chose to read and meditate.
Here are some monthly challenge ideas you may want to try:
- Laugh every day
- Make your bed each morning
- Read a classic novel
- Limit your screen time
- Reach out to one friend or family member
- List three things/people you are grateful for
- No fast food for a month
- Journal
- Track spending every day
- Do something out of your comfort zone
- Shopping ban/Only essentials shopping
- Fitness challenges
- Exercise daily
- Stretch daily
- Pushups, planks, squats, sit ups daily
- 10,000 steps per day
You can also try signing up for an online program like the New York Times 30-Day Well Challenge.
We would love to know if you decide to challenge yourself and what challenge you choose. Drop us a note at info@highfallsadvisors.com and put “30-day challenge” in the subject line. Let us know what you accomplished and how you feel after 30 days.